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Joaquin Flores

Joaquin Flores

Claire Cordell's reiki session with me delivered a unique sense of calm that I thought was not possible, especially for something done in a virtual space. Her ability to visualise and connect with me thousands of miles away was definitely inexplicable. Soon after starting, I began to feel a coolness throughout my arms and legs. One might explain this away by my blood pressure and heart rate going down as a result of the session. But even this would be to admit that the session accomplished these. My sense however, is that something else was going on far more profound. This is because, with my eyes closed, I began to see something like a snow storm. Never before has the otherwise random scatter of colors and shapes which I person is prone to see, I suppose looking at their own eyelids, actually organized. What I saw was a field of what looked like electrically charged particles. These particles flowed as if falling snow in a strong wind. They were bright little specs of light, and I mean countless thousands of them. This was a most intense experience. I had to open my eyes once or twice just to see if I was seeing things, and there I saw Claire through the screen, standing over a reiki table as if I was on it. Time flew, and I would definitely do this again. I'm curious where this might go!

Sangeeta Pierce

Sangeeta Pierce
Derbyshire UK

I highly recommend Reiki sessions with Claire. I was six months pregnant and had just found out that I didn't get the promotion at work that I was aiming for. Claire's Reiki sessions were precisely what I needed. When we first discussed how Reiki works over Zoom, Claire said "Even if you don't feel anything, you get to lie down for 30 minutes. So what's not to like?" I was in. The first session was intense - I had pent up negativity needing to be released. I felt her connection arrive, lots of third eye energy, energy release from my body, visualisations and a feeling of being lifted. After the session, I felt clean. I was so relaxed and energised that I even did the dishes and the laundry. I could not wait for the next session the following week. Six months later, every session is a joy. I get exactly what I need each week which could be anything from power and confidence to clarity and calm. Claire has incorporated breathwork into the session which helps me focus. I sometimes bring issues in need of resolution. I leave each session feeling rooted and full of real intention. Thank you Claire for your help.

Kaveh Mobasheri

Kaveh Mobasheri
London UK

The combination of Breathwork, Reiki & Sound blew my mind! I can honestly say I can't remember a time where I felt so relaxed with so much clarity in my mind. All the stress I was feeling just disappeared. The sounds of the bowls were vibrating through every cell of my really was like nothing I have ever experienced before and so hard to put into words. All I do know is that I'll be booking myself in for a session each month because this really has given me a whole new perspective on life. A truly wonderful experience and I urge everyone to give it a go!


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