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From the moment we are born, we are taught fundamental things to ensure our survival in this realm. We’re taught to walk, talk, drink and eat, and even when to sleep. But no one teaches us how to breathe. Breathing is just one of those things we assume we know how to do, because after all, it’s just an autonomic process, a thing we do that we don’t even have to think about. And whilst this is true, why has such little attention been placed on learning more about the one thing that would ensure our demise if we didn’t do it for a period of time? Just because we can breathe in and out without focusing any attention on it, does this mean the way in which we are breathing is fully effective within our life? 

Absolutely not!

Breath is our 'Life Force Energy.' Without it, we wouldn’t last long! Studies now show that people who are more inclined to breathe through their mouth rather than their nose are losing out on a plethora of health benefits and potentially causing more harm than good. Facial structural changes, posture changes, snoring, headaches, decreased lung function, immune system function, cardiovascular health amongst others, have all be linked to mouth breathing. So it's not a simple a case of just breathing in and out, there are many ways our breath can be optimised.


What are the benefits of nasal breathing?

Nasal breathing plays a crucial role in supporting overall health and well-being on both a physiological and psychological level.

Improved Oxygenation: Nasal breathing allows air to be filtered, humidified, and warmed before it enters the lungs. This process helps optimize oxygen exchange and ensures that the body receives an adequate supply of oxygen, essential for cellular function and energy production.

Nitric Oxide Production: Breathing through the nose releases nitric oxide, a gas molecule with potent antimicrobial properties that acts as a vasodilator, dilating blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, enhancing oxygen uptake in the lungs, improving overall cardiovascular health and improved immune system function.

Vagus Nerve Activation: Nasal breathing stimulates the vagus nerve, a key component of the parasympathetic nervous system. Activation of the vagus nerve promotes relaxation, reduces stress, supports digestion, immunity, and overall well-being.

Enhanced Lung Function: Nasal breathing encourages the use of the diaphragm and engages the lower lobes of the lungs more effectively than mouth breathing. This improves lung capacity, strengthens respiratory muscles, and reduces the risk of respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. It stops our lungs becoming lazy!


Can Breathwork help you meditate?

For me personally, all of the physiological benefits above have just been an added bonus. The number one benefit breathwork has brought to my life, is the ability to calm my mind and meditate. This in itself has been life changing for me!

I had sold myself the story that I just wasn’t capable of meditating. How in the world was I supposed to clear my mind when every time I sat down to try, a dumper truck of thoughts would empty into my head?! I believed the lie that it was impossible for me to control these thoughts, and I just would never be that person that meditated. However, through daily breathwork practice, I soon discovered that it was just a story, a lie I chose to believe, and an excuse I had made up in my own head in way of avoiding things that had happened or were happening within my life.

Focusing solely on the breath, how it flows into the nasal cavity, how it fills the belly and all the way up to the top of the lungs, how your sides begin to expand to facilitate the breath, and how it feels emptying everything out, soon pushes out all those random thoughts that try to make their way in to take you away from that precious present moment. The breath can help shift your body out of the sympathetic nervous system “fight or flight” and into the parasympathetic nervous system’s “rest and digest” state, quickly. It allows you to become the observer of the thoughts within your mind, rather than the slave. It creates space within your head, and it’s within that space where magic starts to happen, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I teach 15 different Pranayama breathing techniques, all of which hold their own unique benefits, but all leading to that state of being in that precious, present moment. Breathwork meditation can cultivate a greater sense of balance and inner peace. The awareness that comes with going inwards can improve mental clarity, pull you away from the feelings and thoughts of negativity, self deprecation, stress, anxiety or anything else that holds you back in life and stops you from feeling a love for life and a gratitude for everything that you are or have. For me, as someone that felt trapped in the darkness of PTSD for 5 years, it’s been truly liberating!


The Ethereal Breath Program provides you with the fundamental breathwork techniques to start you on

A Couple performing Breathwork Meditation

your journey to a calmer, healthier, happier, stress free life. As a coaching program however, it’s not just about training you to breathe. I incorporate 47 years of 'colourful' life experiences along with extensive studies within Mindfulness and Breathwork to provide you with the tools to help you make sense of where you’re at right now in your life. Tools to help you change things that perhaps you’re not happy with. Guidance into helping you achieve your desired state of mind, state of body, state of health, and the confidence to know that you are capable of incorporating these small changes daily, with the knowledge and understanding that you are so much more powerful than this world has allowed you to believe!

The Ethereal Breath program is available in group sessions online or as a private 121 coaching package. And with the popularity and convenience of most things being held online, my breathwork mediation classes will soon be moving online, allowing anyone, anywhere, to tap into a session at their own convenience.


I'll be going into more detail with specific breathing techniques in future blogs. but for now, just know, life really is truly beautiful, when you are able to take a step back, take a moment, and just breathe...

In the last 100 years, we have completely lost connection to the earth, mainly through the rise in rubber and plastic soles. How often are we ever standing barefoot on the earth? Hardly ever! It's even more difficult living in the city. With a large population residing in flats/apartments with no outside space, physically getting our feet on the ground or our hands on a tree becomes a mission in itself.

So why is this important?

When you're grounded, your body absorbs negative ions from the Earth, which can help balance out the positive ions that build up from stress and electronic devices. It's like a mini holiday for your nervous system! Think of the earth as a power source, and when you ground/earth, you're plugging yourself in for a natural energy boost!

The physiological benefits can be amazing. From reduced inflammation, lower blood pressure and improved immune system function, to less stress, depression, better sleep and general mood enhancement.

This photo shows blood samples of 3 people taken before and after grounding for 40 minutes. As you can see the pictures clearly show a dramatic thinning and decoupling of the blood cells.

The blood samples were taken during research into grounding by Dr Stephen Sinatra MD.

So this is where Grounding Mats/Earthing Sheets come into play. It's not always possible to be walking barefoot connecting to the earth, so these magical mats create a pathway for the Earth's electrons to flow into your body. It's like opening a direct line of communication between you and Mother Nature. These electrons help neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation, just like when you're barefoot outdoors. And the beauty of this is you can do this from the comfort of your own home, without having to venture outdoors to face the elements!

With so much more research and information now widely available, people are starting to understand more and more, just how powerful we can be, and how amazing we can feel by going back to nature. And when getting into nature isn't possible on a daily basis, we can simply plug ourselves in and enjoy all the same physiological benefits!

Groundology™ have a huge array of mats, sheets & accessories. All mats used in the studio are Groundology™ products.

Revered for their mesmerizing beauty and purported spiritual properties, these rare gems have become sought-after treasures among collectors and seekers of inner wisdom. In this blog, we will delve into the captivating benefits of Auralite 23 and Brandberg crystals, while also uncovering the reasons behind their rarity.

Auralite 23 - The Marvel of Thunder Bay

Auralite 23, often referred to as the "Super 23," is a unique variety of quartz found only in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. This remarkable crystal is celebrated for its breathtaking appearance, featuring an exquisite blend of various minerals, including amethyst, citrine, hematite, pyrite, and others. The harmonious fusion of these minerals gives Auralite 23 its distinctive colour palette, ranging from deep purples to fiery oranges and hints of metallic sheen.

Energetic Healing: Auralite 23 is believed to possess powerful healing properties that promote spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. Advocates claim that it can help in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression while facilitating a sense of inner peace and harmony.

Amplified Intuition: Many users have reported heightened levels of intuition and psychic abilities when working with Auralite 23. It is said to act as a bridge between the earthly and spiritual realms, enhancing spiritual connections and guidance.

Chakra Alignment: Auralite 23 is thought to work with all seven major chakras, helping to cleanse, balance, and align these energy centers for optimal vitality and life force flow.

The Rarity of Auralite 23: While Thunder Bay is abundant in amethyst and other minerals, Auralite 23 is considered rare due to the complex geological conditions required for its formation. The crystals are formed over millions of years within ancient metamorphic rocks, which are exposed to extreme pressures and temperatures. This intricate process results in the formation of Auralite 23 crystals, making them a scarce and sought-after gemstone.

Brandberg Quartz - The Majestic Jewels of Namibia

Brandberg quartz, named after the eponymous Brandberg Mountain in Namibia, are a unique combination of amethyst, clear quartz, and smoky quartz. They are renowned for their captivating beauty and are often regarded as some of the most spiritually potent crystals on Earth.

The Magic of Brandberg Crystals

Transformation and Purification: Brandberg Quartz are believed to facilitate profound personal transformation by clearing negative energies and promoting self-awareness. Many spiritual practitioners use these crystals to aid in letting go of past traumas and embracing positive change.

Inner Wisdom and Communication: Users often credit Brandberg Quartz with enhancing intuitive abilities and facilitating clearer communication with their inner selves and higher realms. It is believed that these crystals can provide valuable insights and guidance on one's life journey.

High Vibrational Energy: Brandberg Quartz are known for their exceptionally high vibrational frequencies, which enable them to uplift and cleanse the surrounding environment, making them popular for meditation and sacred space creation.

The Rarity of Brandberg Crystals: Brandberg quartz rarity can be attributed to the isolated and challenging location of their source - the Brandberg Mountain in Namibia. This remote region is characterized by extreme temperatures and treacherous terrains, making the extraction of these precious crystals a daunting task. Additionally, the unique combination of amethyst, clear quartz, and smoky quartz within a single crystal is a rare occurrence in nature, further enhancing their scarcity.


Auralite 23 (Thunder Bay) and Brandberg Quartz are two extraordinary gemstones that have captured the hearts and minds of crystal enthusiasts worldwide. Their captivating beauty, coupled with the myriad of spiritual benefits they offer, makes them highly sought-after in the world of metaphysical exploration. While Auralite 23's rarity is due to its complex geological formation within Thunder Bay, Brandberg crystals owe their scarcity to the challenging extraction process and the extraordinary combination of minerals found within each crystal.

Whether you seek healing, spiritual growth, or simply marvel at their rare beauty, Auralite 23 and Brandberg Quartz continue to bewitch and inspire those who are fortunate enough to encounter their alluring presence. As with any precious gem, their true magic lies not just in their physical attributes but in the profound impact they have on those who form a deep and meaningful connection with them. Embrace the enchantment of these rare jewels, and let their ethereal essence guide you on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment.

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