These Crystal Gemstone Bracelet Cord are a versatile, essential accessory for crafting stylish gemstone bracelets. This adjustable cord, measuring 20-28cm (7.8-11 inches), offers a perfect fit for a wide range of people.
Crafted with durability and quality in mind, its sleek appearance enhances the visual appeal of any of your gemstones, allowing you to easily change the crystals to suit your mood.
These bracelets come with the exact same crystals as shown on the photos.
Red - Red Tigers Eye
Sand - Yellow Tigers Eye
Blue - Sodalite
Lilac - Amethyst
Navy - Angelite
Black- Ckear Quartz
Green - Moss Agate
White - Howlite
Brown - Blue Tigers Eye
Cream - Orange Calcite
Pink - Rose Quartz
Gemstone Bracelet Cords with Crystals