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Brazilian Elestial Quartz, also known as Skeletal Quartz, offers profound benefits for spiritual evolution and personal growth. Its complex formations, marked by intricate layers and etchings, facilitate deep inner transformation and connection to higher consciousness.


Elestial Quartz is a potent amplifier of spiritual energies, enhancing meditation, intuition, and psychic abilities. It stimulates spiritual awakening and facilitates the release of old patterns, traumas, and blockages, promoting healing on all levels—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.


Elestial Quartz resonates with the entire chakra system, from the root chakra to the crown chakra. Its high vibrational frequency cleanses, balances, and aligns the chakras, facilitating a free flow of energy throughout the subtle body. By activating and harmonizing the chakras, Elestial Quartz supports spiritual growth, inner wisdom, and enlightenment, guiding individuals towards greater clarity, insight, and connection to their divine essence.


This piece is mostly polished but due to the nature of the stones formation, there are some naturally occuring pockets that have not been polished out.


Weighs 101g

Elestial Quartz Point

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